The Power of Empowering Leaders to Fit & Flourish: Ministry Affirmation Process (MAP) Testimonies

Over the course of leading over 550 leaders through our Fit & Flourish Ministry Affirmation Process (MAP), we often hear people express their appreciation for the process, ministry coaching, and the encouragement it’s given them to be who God created them to be. Ministry leaders who help place leaders in ministry positions often say, “They are just like you said they would be.”


Occasionally, we get notes from people several years after they’ve gone through their MAP. They have a perspective of what a MAP has meant to their life journey. They are immensely gratifying.


Here’s the stories of three couples…their testimonies say it best:


Cory and Lori M

“Hey Tim, we haven't talked for a while but I've been reflecting this week on some of our earlier years in ministry and the role you had in helping us get started. One thing in particular came to mind that was tremendously life-changing. When you went over our assessments with us, there was a moment where you looked at Lori's personality type, looked up at her and said something like, "You're staying home with your son? How is that going for you?" She burst into tears and you essentially gave her permission not to fit into a stereotypical conservative mom role. Since then, she went back to work, started a highly successful charter school where she served as the academic dean for four years, and now works as an educational consultant for a network of 20+ charter schools where she provides curriculum support, staff development, etc. She has never been happier and I can't imagine the trajectory our lives together would have taken if she wouldn't have felt the freedom to be the person God designed her to be. So anyway, thanks for what you do and hope all is well!”


Mark and Erin Z

“The 'Fit & Flourish' assessment my wife and I experienced was life changing. In just a few hours, God healed me of past ministry wounds, brought better unity in our marriage, confirmed His call on our lives, and allowed us to see how everything we have been through was leading us to take a next step together with Christ. The revelation we experienced set us on a new course of trusting God for new and big things in our life and ministry. We are propelled by the confidence of realizing our God-given strengths, and are now experiencing the freedom and joy of doing what we were made to do."


Edgar and Denise R     

“While Denise and I were going through college, Tim and Shirley Roehltook us through some sessions to identify how God had made us. For years I struggled being comfortable in my own skin, meaning I didn’t like the way I processed things compared to others. I am not a detail person so I tried my hardest to develop that. Knowing there was nothing wrong with doing that I also knew I was not just trying to strengthen a weakness of mine but believed who I was as a person was wrong. At the end of the sessions with Tim and Shirley Roehl, I found out that the way I processed things and the way I saw the world wasn’t wrong but was exactly the way God had intended me to be!

That day I remember saying out loud, “There is nothing wrong with me!” and felt a sense of relief and heaviness lifted off from me. I felt, for the first time in my life, “Unleashed”. I could go and be the person God created knowing that He doesn’t make mistakes. It was during those same years in college that God gave me Proverbs 3:5 that says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (NIV). I began to live my life in a different way or with a different outlook than before. No more was I looking for the approval of others! I would only seek the approval of God though my daily devotionals and constant meditation of His Word. If I knew God was leading, I stop hesitating and stop allowing outside influence make my mind.

Yes, I have a mindset to adapt and overcome that I picked up during my Marine Corps years but overcoming life with God is way more powerful and real. There is no more fear that I might get something wrong or make a bad decision. That part of me is past and gone replaced with Gods Spirit who leads me to often do what sometimes seems impossible. I love living in His freedom!”


Did something in one of these stories strike a chord with you?  Did you find yourself drawn to that kind of understanding and clarity? The Fit & Flourish Ministry Affirmation Process is just what you need. You can get started by simply contacting us and marking that you’re interested in assessing on the contact form. 



Coach Yourself Forward

1. As you read these testimonies, what did you think?  What did you feel?  What did you want?


2. When have you felt affirmed for who God made you to be—your identity and purpose?  What was it like?  


3. If you’ve never had that experience, what would you like to do about it?